Black History

Celebrating Black History at WHCMC

At WHCMC, our Black History Event is more than just a celebration—it is a powerful tribute to the enduring legacy of Black individuals who have shaped history and continue to influence our world today. This event is a moment of unity and deep reflection, honouring the resilience, joy, and unwavering strength that have defined the Black community’s journey through adversity and triumph

But our commitment goes beyond celebration. This event serves as a catalyst for real change in our community. Every dollar raised is dedicated to funding scholarships for marginalized youth in Niagara, empowering them to pursue post-secondary education and break down barriers to success. These scholarships are a tangible expression of our commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders, ensuring that the rich legacy of Black history not only lives on but continues to inspire and uplift future generations.

By supporting this event, you are not just commemorating the past but investing in a brighter, more equitable future for all. Together, we can honour the past, celebrate the present, and build a legacy that will empower generations to come.

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