Language Training

English as a Second Language (ESL) Program for Newcomers to Canada

New applicants to our program will be guided through an evaluation process to evaluate the four key language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Based on the results, students are placed into classes that best match their English language proficiency.

Students receive two reports on their performance each term. We issue the first report at the midterm and the final report at the end of the program.

We offer continuous intake for our ESL classes, so new students are welcome at any time.

We also accept clients interested in applying for Citizenship.

Placement Process for ESL Classes

When new students apply to study ESL at the Welland Heritage Council, there is an evaluation process that we help you with so we know at what level you will enter the classes. Each student is assessed in all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students are then placed in the class that best suits their English language level.

Each term students receive two reports on their performance in class: a midterm progress report and a final progress report. We issue the first report at the mid-point in the term and the other report at the end.

We offer continuous intake for our ESL classes which means that new students are welcome at any time.
The Welland Heritage Council’s ESL program is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD).

Student Testimonials

At WHCMC, we see many success stories like these, with former students moving on to greater and meaningful accomplishments.
After leaving our classes to go to Brock University one student wrote:
“My writing course [at Brock] is okay. I have an advantage that I know what the teacher is talking about (clauses, subject-verb agreement, paired conjunctions, gerunds and infinitives, etc),” adding that she has experienced success with her subject-area term papers, too: “Those papers are the results of both your dedication and excellent methodology. I’m writing to thank you…”
And another wrote to say,
“I want to tell you again. Without the fundamentals that I have in English because of your classes, I don’t think I would be able to do what I am doing now.”
A married couple who moved on to good jobs in Toronto wrote to tell us,
“I wish to thank you and the teachers of the Welland Heritage Council for all the patience and dedication that you had with me and my wife during the 15 months that we studied. During those times we learned many important and interesting aspects of Canada – its political life, culture, and geography. Those classes had a strong influence on us and we have learned to love this country and its people. Thank you. We now have a better preparation and confidence with the language and we want to give to the country the best of us. You and the teachers will always be in our hearts.”

Our Dedicated Instructors

Our highly qualified team of instructors from diverse backgrounds helps students meet their English-speaking goals.

Please call or visit the Centre for more information about joining our classes.
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